Click or drag to resize

cancel Property

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the event should be canceled.


Property Value

Type: Boolean

true if the event should be canceled; otherwise, false.


To cancel RAD PDF's default behavior, this property should be set to true in an event handler.

The following example uses the ObjectKeypressEventArgs Properties to handle the "objectKeypress" event of the PdfWebControlApi Class.
//declare event handler function (which accepts an object of type ObjectClickEventArgs as an argument)
function objectKeypressHandler(evt)
    //make the new object unmovable
    evt.obj.setProperties( {"movable" : false} );

    //if this is the letter A
    if(evt.which == 65)
        //cancel the default keypress action
        evt.cancel = true;

//get API class
var myApi = new PdfWebControlApi("PdfWebControl1"); // where "PdfWebControl1" is the ID (ClientID) assigned to the PdfWebControl instance

//attach event handler to objectClick event
myApi.addEventListener("objectKeypress", objectKeypressHandler);
See Also