Click or drag to resize

unlock Method

Unlocks the object represented by this PdfObject instance for which isLocked Method is true.

function unlock();



Return Value

Type: Boolean

true if operation completed successfully; otherwise, false.


Not all objects can be unlocked (e.g. isLocked Method is false).

All form fields with the same name will be unlocked when calling this method. Unlocking a form field may result in subtle changes to a form field's behavior (such as JavaScript) and appearance (such as font). It is recommended to only unlock form fields which need to be changed in a document.

PdfButtonFields and PdfSignatureFields can not be unlocked at this time.

Unlocking a field will also set the PdfObjectProperties Properties "moveable", "resizable", and "stylable" to true.

The following example uses the ObjectEventArgs Class to handle the "objectAdded" event of the PdfWebControlApi Class.
//declare event handler function (which accepts an object of type ObjectClickEventArgs as an argument)
function objectClickHandler(evt)
    //unlock the clicked object

//get API class
var myApi = new PdfWebControlApi("PdfWebControl1"); // where "PdfWebControl1" is the ID (ClientID) assigned to the PdfWebControl instance

//attach event handler to objectClick event
myApi.addEventListener("objectClick", objectClickHandler);
See Also

Other Resources