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DocumentAppendingEventArgs Class

A class containing the event data passed to a PdfIntegrationProvider instance when OnDocumentAppending(DocumentAppendingEventArgs) is called.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  RadPdf.Integration
Assembly:  RadPdf (in RadPdf.dll) Version: (
public class DocumentAppendingEventArgs : DocumentCancelEventArgs

The DocumentAppendingEventArgs type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowFindMatchingPdf
Gets or sets a value indicating whether RAD PDF should use a hashing algorithm to try and find an identical copy of the PDF previously used and re-use its already generated resources.
Public propertyAppender
Gets a value indicating the source which is appending file data.
Public propertyAppendType
Gets a value indicating the type of append operation being preformed.
Public propertyCancel
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the event should be canceled.
(Inherited from CancelEventArgs.)
Public propertyCancelMessage
Gets or sets a value representing the cancel message displayed to the client if Cancel is true.
Public propertyConvertImageToPdf
Gets or sets a value indicating whether RAD PDF should convert supported image types to PDF automatically if DataToAppend is not a PDF.
Public propertyConvertXfaForm
Gets or sets a value indicating whether RAD PDF should convert XFA PDF forms to the more commonly used AcroForms standard.
Public propertyDataToAppend
Gets or sets a value representing the file data to be appended.
Public propertyDocument
Gets an object representing the document to which DataToAppend or DocumentToAppend is being appended.
Public propertyDocumentID
Gets a value representing the DocumentID associated with this event as an Int32.
(Inherited from DocumentCancelEventArgs.)
Public propertyDocumentKey
Gets a value representing the DocumentKey associated with this event as a String.
(Inherited from DocumentCancelEventArgs.)
Public propertyDocumentProperties
Gets a PdfDocumentProperties class containing common properties describing the Document to which DataToAppend or DocumentToAppend is being appended.
Public propertyDocumentToAppend
Gets or sets a value representing the DocumentID of the PdfDocument to be appended.
Public propertyIncludeBookmarks
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the bookmarks in the DataToAppend or DocumentToAppend should be included in the document.
Public propertyIncludeForm
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the form fields on pages in the DataToAppend or DocumentToAppend should be included in the document.
Public propertyIsLiteDocument
Gets a value indicating whether this document is a Lite Document (created with PdfWebControlLite) or not (and hence created with PdfWebControl).
(Inherited from DocumentCancelEventArgs.)
Public propertyLiteDocumentToAppend
Gets or sets a value representing the DocumentID of the PdfDocument to be appended.
Public propertyLiteSession
Gets the PdfLiteSession associated with this Lite Document.
(Inherited from DocumentCancelEventArgs.)
Public propertyMaxPdfPageHeight
Gets or sets a value indicating the maximum height of a page which this document can contain after the DataToAppend is appended.
Public propertyMaxPdfPages
Gets or sets a value indicating the maximum number of pages which this document can contain after the DataToAppend is appended.
Public propertyMaxPdfPageWidth
Gets or sets a value indicating the maximum width of a page which this document can contain after the DataToAppend is appended.
Public propertyRenderDpi
Gets a value indicating the resolution in dots per inch (DPI) at which this document was rendered.
Public propertyRenderUnsupportedPdfFeatures
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the server should attempt to render PDF features to the uneditable background if they are not yet supported in a PdfWebControl instance.
Public propertyThrowMaxPagesException
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a RadPdfPdfProcessingMaxPagesException should be thrown when appending DataToAppend will result in a PDF containing more pages than allowed by MaxPdfPages.
Public propertyThrowXfaFormException
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a RadPdfPdfProcessingXfaFormException should be thrown when appending DataToAppend which contains an XFA form and ConvertXfaForm is false.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public fieldStatic memberNoMaxPdfPageHeight
Represents a value indicating that no limit should be set on the maximum page height of pages in a document.
Public fieldStatic memberNoMaxPdfPages
Represents a value indicating that no limit should be set on the maximum number of pages in a document.
Public fieldStatic memberNoMaxPdfPageWidth
Represents a value indicating that no limit should be set on the maximum page width of pages in a document.
See Also