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DocumentSaveType Enumeration

Type of saving action which raised the applicable save event data (e.g. DocumentSavingEventArgs or DocumentSavedEventArgs).

Namespace:  RadPdf.Integration
Assembly:  RadPdf (in RadPdf.dll) Version: (
public enum DocumentSaveType
  Member nameValueDescription
Unknown0 The action which caused this save is not known.
Save1 A simple save of the document open in this PdfWebControl instance.
Download2 Downloading of the document open in this PdfWebControl instance.
Append3 Appending of the document open in this PdfWebControl instance.
Submit4 Submitting, via a form field button, of the document open in this PdfWebControl instance.
Some actions (e.g. document saving and document downloading) cause a PdfWebControl instance to save the current document state to the storage provider.
See Also