RAD PDF Release Notes
This file is updated with general information about changes made to RAD PDF
Version 3.47
PDF file attachment annotation support added
Feature Updates
- EmbeddedFiles property added to PdfDocument class
- PdfEmbeddedFile class added
- PdfEmbeddedFileCollection class added
- PdfFileAttachmentAnnotation class added
- PdfFileAttachmentAnnotation objects can now be clicked in WebControl to download its attached file
Bug Fixes
- In rare cases, imported named destinations no longer worked in the output file
- Some imported field values were improperly truncated if they contained character codes 154, 155, or 159
Released 2024-09-10 (download)
Version 3.46
ASP.NET 9 ready & PDF attachment / embedded file support
Feature Updates
- ASP.NET 9 ready
- DisableEmbeddedFiles added to PdfDocumentSettings enum
- Embedded files side panel added - view and download embedded files
- EmbeddedFiles added to ViewerSide enum
- HideEmbeddedFiles property added to PdfWebControl / PdfWebControlLite
- OnDocumentEmbeddedFileDownloading() overload added to PdfIntegrationProvider
- DocumentEmbeddedFileDownloadingEventArgs class added
- Rendering with clipping paths improved
Bug Fixes
- Minor printing fixes
- Rendering engine bug: A memory leak occurred if a cached pattern image needed to be rebuilt
Released 2024-07-23 (download)
Version 3.45
PDF JavaScript support improvements and fixes
Feature Updates
- Basic OnValidation form field JavaScript event support added
- PDF JavaScript app object updated
- PDF JavaScript console object added
- PDF JavaScript document level resetForm implementation added
- PDF JavaScript util object added (basic implementation)
Bug Fixes
- Calculation scripts were not run after using the build in date picker
- PdfDocument.ExportObjects() method threw an exception if the document contained popup annotations
- Formatting and calculations didn't always work properly with comma separator
Released 2024-05-29 (download)
Version 3.44
Signed form fields are now imported by RAD PDF and info accessible from the server API
Feature Updates
Bug Fixes
- Base path was not used when rendering Client API resources in OnPreRender()
- Client API "objectChange" event was not fired when changing a form field's value via the drop down date picker
Released 2024-04-17 (download)
Version 3.43
Free text annotation support, system service improvements, and more
Feature Updates
- CspSaferRendering now also disables direct execution of PDF JavaScript
- DefaultPdfLiteSessionProvider for .NET Core now implements IUpdateableLiteSessionProvider
- DefaultPdfLiteSessionProvider implementation of IUpdateableLiteSessionProvider for the .NET Framework now throws an InvalidOperationException if handler does not implement IRequiresSessionState
- High performance service caching options - ask Red Software for more details on very busy servers
- If CspSaferRendering or DisablePdfJavaScript is true, the most commonly used formatting and calculation functions (e.g. AF*() methods and simplified field notation) are implemented safely using an internal parser and the browser native JSON.parse(), allowing for limited calculation and formatting support without direct script execution
- PdfFreeTextAnnotations can now be added by GUI, Client API and Server API
- RAD PDF System Service default memory footprint reduced
- RAD PDF System Service now supports multiple reads of the same object from disk concurrently
- RadPdfDocumentKeyNotFoundException is now logged as a warning instead of as an error
Bug Fixes
- Annotation opacity wasn't always applied
- PdfLiteSettings.UseHash was not always respected for empty documents
- Redaction fixed for some orientations
Released 2024-03-05 (download)
Version 3.42
CSP policy support, more sample code, and minor bug fixes
Feature Updates
Bug Fixes
Released 2024-01-31 (download)
Version 3.41
Mobile device enhancements, image upload options, and other improvements
Feature Updates
- Goto page drop down improved for narrow devices
- Long touch on touch devices to activate context menu / right click menu
- ObjectDataAddingEventArgs.ApplyExifOrientation property added, allowing for EXIF orientation to be used for images uploaded to objects
- ObjectDataAddingEventArgs.Data is now settable, allowing for advanced image processing of object uploads
- PdfIntegrationProvider.OnInternalWarning() overloadable method added, allowing for programmatic access to RAD PDF warnings
- PdfWebControl.RenderFrameUrl() / PdfWebControlLite.RenderFrameUrl() methods added for advanced use
- Right click popup menu position improved for narrow devices
Bug Fixes
- Form field properties dialog did not work properly on iOS
- ObjectDataAddingEventArgs.PdfObjectType should not always be typeof(PdfImageShape)
- Page navigation drop down did not display properly with some viewer settings
- PdfSignatureShape did not show image signatures properly after a zoom change until the page was refreshed
- Rendering engine: There was still an issue in the handling of 2 and 4 bit images with a color table or indexed color space
- Signature popup did not properly display drawn signatures
- Signature popup did not display OK button in proper position on very narrow mobile devices
- Tabbing in signature popup sometimes caused scroll issues (tabbed to off-screen iframe)
Released 2023-12-19 (download)
Version 3.40
ASP.NET Core HttpContext access added for Lite Documents and PDF parsing improvements
Feature Updates
- PdfLiteSession.HttpContext property added for .NET Core
- Page import was aborted if a stream contained an invalid compression filter (these streams are treated as uncompressed now, like Acrobat)
- Improved repair capabilities for damaged PDF files which end in an open dictionary object
Bug Fixes
- Import failed if the first xref table was on a cache boundary (when the file contained more than 128 additional bytes behind the %%EOF marker)
Released 2023-10-24 (download)
Version 3.39
Experimental text redaction for whiteout shapes and other improvements
Feature Updates
Bug Fixes
- The calculated font size of a PdfCheckField check mark was sometimes too small if the bounding box was also small
Released 2023-09-12 (download)
Version 3.38
Support for Windows arm64 and other improvements
Feature Updates
- NuGet now includes Windows arm64 binary (win-arm64)
- PdfDocumentSettings.DisableRedaction enum added for future use (experimental)
- PdfWhiteoutShape can now be set to a custom color (PdfWhiteoutShape.FillColor property)
Bug Fixes
- PdfSignatureShape's Changeable=false property didn't work if PopupInput=false
- Uploaded images with EXIF orientation data caused those images to appear incorrectly on screen relative to output
Released 2023-07-19 (download)
Version 3.37
SQL Server improvements for .NET Core / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
Feature Updates
- Core / .NET 5+ build dependency switched from System.Data.SqlClient to Microsoft.Data.SqlClient so that new SQL Server features can be used
Bug Fixes
- Highlight annotation bounding boxes were sometimes too small
- Some invisible signatures were not imported
- Toggling highlights back on did not show radio form field highlight correctly
Released 2023-05-16 (download)
Version 3.36.1
Required field improvements and important bug fixes
Feature Updates
- IPdfFieldRequired is now publicly defined
- PdfCheckField.HasValue property added
- PdfCheckField.Required property added
Bug Fixes
- A negative PDF object number caused a crash on 32-bit Windows
- A PDF file defining a stream object with a malformed length could cause an overflow
- Windows font loader: The duplicate check for user font files considered the font file name but not the full path
Released 2023-03-29
Version 3.36
Page label support and radio field highlight improvements
Feature Updates
- Additional PDF files can now be repaired (e.g. some streams with invalid definitions)
- DisablePageLabels property added to PdfWebControl / PdfWebControlLite
- Object properties & delete buttons can now more easily be used on mobile
- Page labels are now imported from PDF documents and shown in GUI by default
- PageLabel property added to PdfPage class
- Radio fields with circular check marks are now highlighted inside circle only (can be disabled to save resources)
Bug Fixes
- Radio form fields with circular check marks clipped some content outside of the rendered circle
- Rendering: The special colorant Black produced an inverted image if the color space was used by a 1 bit image
Released 2023-02-28
Version 3.35
ASP.NET Core 7 ready and important bug fixes
Feature Updates
- .NET Core 7.0 compatibility added
- Admin Tool minimize button added
Bug Fixes
- Admin Tool service status icon sometimes flickered
- Annotation "creationDate" and "modifiedDate" did not apply timezone properly
Released 2023-01-18
Version 3.34
Improved PDF collection / portfolio support and Server API improvements
Feature Updates
- Corrections added for more basic PDF file corruptions / syntax errors
- PdfButtonField.NamedAction property added
- PdfButtonField.IsNamedAction property added
- PdfButtonField() constructor added - PdfButtonFields can be created by Server API (and have actions set)
- PdfLiteSettings.ConvertMeaninglessCollections property added
- PdfObjectCreatable.FormFieldButton added
- PdfWebControl.ConvertMeaninglessCollections property added
- PdfWebControl.DisableResponsive property added
- PdfWebControlLite.DisableResponsive property added
- "Meaningless" catalog collections (single PDF in container with root document asking for a reader "upgrade") now removed using ConvertMeaninglessCollections property
- Scrolling now more quickly loads next page
Bug Fixes
- Form field borders didn't always render correctly
- PdfSignatureShapes didn't always render popup pen input correctly
- Reloading document caused some objects to not be properly re-rendered in IE11
Breaking Changes
- PdfWebControl.CollapsibleViewerSide default is now true
- PdfWebControlLite.CollapsibleViewerSide default is now true
Released 2022-12-14
Version 3.33
Client API improvements and important bug fixes
Feature Updates
- Modified date is now updated for annotations when changed in the GUI
- Named action support improved
- "wrapped" property added to Client API for PdfObjects
Bug Fixes
- Field options weren't always properly updated when multiple field instances existed on pages not yet loaded
- PdfButtonFields and PdfSignatureFields could not be deleted, even when RenderUnsupportedPdfFeatures=false, for non-Lite documents
- PdfUnderlineAnnotations were not always properly encoded in PDF output, sometimes causing visibility issues if saved and re-opened
- Wrapped PdfTextShapes with CJK (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) text did not always wrap properly in PDF output
Released 2022-10-25
Version 3.32
PDF JavaScript support improvements and important bug fixes
Feature Updates
- Buttons with named actions are now partially supported (e.g. print, next page, etc)
- PdfMarkupAnnotation.ModifiedDate property added
- PDF JavaScript implementation now includes "display" object
- PDF JavaScript implementation now supports .setItems() method
- RadPdfPdfProcessingParserException.PdfData property added
Bug Fixes
- app.alert method was not well implemented for PDF JavaScript in some browsers
- Downloads immediately after a server side forced document reload did not properly reload the page content in some browsers
- Drop down form fields showed drop down arrow handle when read-only (Acrobat does not show it if read-only)
- CreationDate month was wrong for new annotations
- PdfCircleAnnotations and PdfSquareAnnotations did not properly import creation date
- PNG images added to PDF files did not always preserve their transparency
Released 2022-09-13
Version 3.31
API updates and important bug fixes
Feature Updates
- "lockHeight" and "lockWidth" properties added to Client API for PdfObjects
- PdfObject.LockWidth and PdfObject.LockHeight properties added to PdfObject
- PDF processing speed improvements, including improvements with processing leading zeros, named destinations, and more
Bug Fixes
- Client API did not allow visible and other common object properties of PdfSignatureShapes to be set (they could be set using the Server API)
- Security improvement related to damaged PDF files (a buffer overrun occurred if a damaged PDF file ended within an xref offset)
- Security improvement related to rendering PDF files with a nested transparency group (a memory leak could occur if an out of memory exception occurred)
- The appearance streams of PdfComboFields or PdfListFields with multiple instances (more than one with the same name) were not updated after changing the selected value
Released 2022-07-05
Version 3.30
Signature integration improvements, RenderAtClient updates, and important bug fixes
Feature Updates
- Client API updated to include PdfObject.copySignatureTo() method
- PdfSignatureShape.AddPath() method added
- RenderAtClient rendering engine improved
Bug Fixes
- PdfDocumentEditor.Append(PdfLiteSession) did not correctly copy all data from document being appended
- PdfDocumentEditor.Append(PdfLiteSession) unnecessarily threw a RadPdfDatabase exception
- Security improvement related to DeviceN processing
- Security improvement related to form field font processing
Released 2022-05-24
Version 3.29
Offline use, RenderAtClient improved, and important bug fixes
Feature Updates
Bug Fixes
- Certificate signed PDF output was corrupt in some cases
- mmmm and mmm formatting didn't work when the month name contained reserved letters
- Text selection location was sometimes incorrect
Released 2022-04-12
Version 3.28
New PDF encryption options, Safari workarounds, and other bug fixes
Feature Updates
- PdfDocumentSecurity.EncryptionAlgorithm property added
- PdfEncryptionAlgorithm enumeration added
- RadPdfService -clearcache argument support added
- Work around added for iOS Safari 15 text magnifying glass causing issues
- Work around added for Safari which printed an extra blank page between pages in some cases because Safari does not fully support CSS @page directives
Bug Fixes
- Form fields with multiple instances appeared on the wrong page in some instances
- New PdfCircleAnnotations and PdfSquareAnnotations did not properly setup their border widths or child popup annotations
- Radio form field export values were sometimes improperly imported
- ThenReload property caused download button not to be shown on iOS
- Uniscribe related CTL / Complex Text Layout fixes
Released 2022-03-01
Version 3.27
Complex text layout / script (e.g. Arabic, Thai) support, per annotation / field flattening, and important bug fixes
Feature Updates
- DefaultPdfLiteSessionProvider now implements IUpdateableLiteSessionProvider
- Empty document uploads now preserve their file name in the XML and are used by default for downloads
- Flatten individual annotations or form fields using the client or server API
- IUpdateableLiteSessionProvider interface added allowing PdfLiteSessionProviders to be updated for empty documents
- PdfAdvancedSettings.UseUniscribe property added, allowing for complex text layouts and scripts
- PdfAnnotation.Flatten property added
- PdfField.Flatten property added
- PdfWebControlLite.CreateEmptyDocument() and PdfWebControlLite.CreateEmptyDocument(settings) overloads added
- RenderAtClient engine improvements
- Support added for complex scripts like Arabic, Thai, Devanagari, Lao, etc. using Uniscribe
Bug Fixes
- AFDate_KeystrokeEx() implementation blocked letter input for mmm / mmmm formated text fields
- After saving, some PDF forms using calcuation scripts broke if attached to a field with a parent
- ExportValue value for some radio fields was imported incorrectly
- RAD PDF System Service in memory cache could survive on disk cache, causing rendering issues, in rare cases
Released 2022-01-11
Version 3.26
ASP.NET 6 ready, form field formatting, and other improvements
Feature Updates
- .NET 6 support added
- PdfWebControl.FlattenInput property added
- Text field formatted values now add format to appearance stream
- Visual Studio 2022 / .NET 6 sample code added
Bug Fixes
- Date picker did not signal a document change and could not be undone
- JavaScript error occurred when typing in some form fields in Internet Explorer 8
- PdfComboFields were not properly formatted by formatting scripts
Released 2021-11-17
Version 3.25
Page preloading options, Safari 15 support, and other updates
Feature Updates
- PdfWebControl.DisablePreloading property added
- PdfWebControlLite.DisablePreloading property added
- RAD PDF now renders page before and after any other rendered page by default
Bug Fixes
- Safari 15 on macOS canvas bug work around added for small checkboxes and other small, drawn objects.
Released 2021-10-19
Version 3.24
Rendering improvements, new date picker, and other updates
Feature Updates
- Date formatting now supports mmm and mmmm date formats
- Date picker added to allow text form fields formatted for date input to be selected using a drop down date picker
- PdfWebControl.DisableDatePicker property added
- PdfWebControlLite.DisableDatePicker property added
Bug Fixes
- On demand rendering errors were not always properly logged
- PDF repairing improvements
- Server side rendering bug fixes
- Toggle highlights wasn't shown when if form fields aren't editable
Released 2021-09-28
Version 3.23
.NET Standard 2.0 support, NuGet package for all platforms, and other important updates
Feature Updates
- .NET Standard 2.0 support added
- NuGet package for RAD PDF using .NET Core, .NET Framework 3.5/4.x, or .NET 5
- RenderAtClient renderer updated to latest version for non-IE11 browsers
Bug Fixes
- iOS 12 and earlier could not edit pre-existing form fields (or other non-moveable objects)
- JPEG decoder would fail, inconsistently, when rendering some PDF pages
Released 2021-08-24
Version 3.22
Render pages server side without the RAD PDF Service
Feature Updates
- PdfAdvancedSettings.AllowHttpHandlerRendering property added
- Setting UseService to false allows server side rendering without RAD PDF Service
- UseService shortcut property added to RadPdfCoreMiddlewareSettings (.NET Core / .NET 5 only)
Bug Fixes
- Client API documentation fix
- WebKit based browsers would scroll RAD PDF iframe to top when clicking some buttons in the interface
Released 2021-07-22
Version 3.21
Rendering efficiency improvements for large files, Client API updates, and important bug fixes
Feature Updates
- Cancel button for PdfSignatureShape with popup is now hidden by default, but responds to ESC key
- Client API .reload() method added
- Docs maintenance script improvement
- Memory usage reduced and rendering speed significantly increased when rendering pages server-side for large PDF documents containing many pages
Bug Fixes
- Infinite loop when loading files with damaged named destinations
- Right aligned or RTL text in combo boxes was cut off by drop down arrow
- Thumbnails shifted in DOM needlessly before rendering
Released 2021-06-01
Version 3.20.5
Minor product improvements and bug fixes
Feature Updates
- RadPdfPdfProcessingParserException class added, allowing for a distinction between an exception caused by the file's syntax and other RadPdfPdfProcessingExceptions
- RadPdfPdfProcessingParserException.ShowFriendlyMessage added, allowing for a more friendly message to be shown when uploading a corrupt file to an empty document (instead of a generic server error)
- Resource files updated
Bug Fixes
- Object properties dialog threw exception for combo / drop down and list box form fields
- ConvertImageToPdf did not work for empty documents
- Exception loading PDF files with an empty BBox
- Images with a compressed size smaller than 256 bytes did not render in some cases
- Search without results showed wrong error message in GUI
- Type1 font use related rendering fixes
Released 2021-04-26
Version 3.20
New empty document containers and uploader improvements
Feature Updates
- AJAX error messages improved, especially for uploads
- CSS improvements for upload dialogs
- PdfWebControlLite.CreateEmptyDocument() method added allowing for easy user loading of PDF files
- PdfIntegrationProvider.OnDocumentUploading() method added
Bug Fixes
- CORS could cause an exception when checking viewport scaling
- Drag and drop of images for PdfSignatureShapes did not upload properly
- Hovering over some tools made them disappear
- PdfSignatureShapes without popup input were not easily signed on touch devices
- Viewstate was not always properly loaded or restored
Released 2021-03-16
Version 3.19.5
Mobile device improvements
Feature Updates
- Android pinch-to-zoom improvements
- BasePath property added to PdfWebControl / PdfWebControlLite
- Form field border style improvements
- RenderAtClient rendering improvements
- ServicePdfLiteSessionProvider added
Bug Fixes
- Pinch-to-zoom did not work properly on non-page container elements on iOS
- Pinch-to-zoom was choppy or jumpy on some devices
- Pinch-to-zoom with RenderAtClient caused unhanded exceptions
- Popup annotations sometimes lost style information when editing
Released 2021-02-16
Version 3.19
Mobile device enhancements and other improvements
Feature Updates
- DisableTouchGestures added to PdfWebControl / PdfWebControlLite
- Pinch-to-zoom gesture support added to RAD PDF main view
- Rendering speed improved for PDF files using JPEG 2000 images
- Zoom to center
Bug Fixes
- Markup annotation values with non-ANSI text didn't properly embed some Rich Content / Rich Text
- Markup annotations with a rich text value which did not match the plain text should was not ignored, per the PDF specification
Released 2021-01-21
Version 3.18.5
ASP.NET 5 ready and other improvements
Feature Updates
- .NET 5 support added
- PdfLiteSession can be deserialized and serialized using a custom IFormatter
- PdfLiteSessionFormatter class added
Bug Fixes
- RenderUnsupported was ignored when using RenderAtClient with Lite Documents
Released 2020-12-14
Version 3.18
Client API and PdfDocumentEditor improvements
Feature Updates
- Client API event "objectKeypress" added
- Client API property "editMode" added to PdfObjectProperties
- CMap files updated
- PdfButtonField.Label property added
- PdfButtonField.SubmitAction property added
- PdfField.Value property added
- PdfObject public constructors added allowing new objects to be added using a "new PdfTextShape(PdfPage)" pattern
- PdfPath.GetPoints() method added
Bug Fixes
- RenderAtClient did not properly render button form fields without actions
Released 2020-11-17
Version 3.17
GUI now supports redo and other improvements
Feature Updates
- Client API api.redo() method added
- "isSigned" added to PdfObjectProperties for PdfSignatureShape objects
- PdfCertifier(CspParameters) constructor added, primarily for ASP.NET Core
- PdfCertifier.Silent property added, primarily for ASP.NET Core
- PdfSignatureShape popup now scales down when sub 520px control width
- Redo support added to interface
Bug Fixes
- Fonts without metrics had their midpoint poorly approximated
Released 2020-09-22
Version 3.16
Certify documents by digitally signing output with RSA / X.509 certificates and other improvements
Feature Updates
- DocumentSavingEventArgs.CertifyUsing property added to sign PDF output with a certificate
- PdfDocumentEditor.CerifyUsing property added to certify PdfDocumentEditor.Save() output
- PdfCertifier class added to specify the certificate and settings when signing
- PdfTimeStamper class added to specify the time stamp server and settings when signing
- Undo object z-order changes (e.g. Move Back, Move Forward)
Bug Fixes
- WCF impersonation exception was unclear
Released 2020-08-18
Version 3.15
Client API improvements, set images via data URL, and other improvements
Feature Updates
- ASP.NET WebForms Callback is now only added if there is an OnSaved handler registered to at least one control on page
- Client API api.append(key) now supports a Data URL
- Client API PdfObject.setImage(key) now supports a Data URL
- NoView and Print flags can be set from object properties
- Password property added to PdfTextField
- PdfDataContext.AllowDataUrl property added to block the use of data URLs
- PdfDataRequest.DataKeyIsDataUrl property added to detect if a data URL was received from the client
- PdfDocumentEditor.Append(PdfLiteSession) overload added
- RenderAtClient rendering improvements
- RenderAtClient now renders unsupported like server side rendering
Bug Fixes
- Animated GIFs were not detected by ASP.NET Core
- Not all HTML elements had properly "alt" tags
- Not all form fields were properly reset by "Reset" buttons
- Image stripes in rare cases caused gaps in server side page rendering
Released 2020-07-16
Version 3.14
Client rendering improvements, undo support added, and other improvements
Feature Updates
- ASP.NET Core implementation now supports AllowSynchronousIO=false
- File upload dialog only show supported file types in supported browsers (IE 10+, Edge 79+, Firefox 37+, Chrome 26+, Safari 11+)
- GetDataStream() method (virtual) added to PdfLiteStorageProvider allowing for partial data reads
- GetInfo() method added to DefaultPdfLiteStorageProvider, returns DefaultPdfLiteStorageItemInfo
- GetPaths() method added to PdfSignatureShape
- LiteSession property added to ExceptionEventArgs (PdfIntegrationProvider.OnHttpHandlerException)
- No View and Print flags can now be set in the object properties dialog
- RenderAtClient now degrades to rendering at server if a JS error occurs
- RenderAtClient now supports using Range so that large files can be loaded as needed
- ThrownByHttpHandler property added to RadPdfException
- UndoLevels property added to PdfWebControl and PdfWebControLite
- Undo support added
Bug Fixes
- CMaps were not properly loaded by RenderAtClient
- Documents pending password could not be imported
- Editing options for combo / list fields did not restore the proper values in all cases
- Form field deletions caused saving issues for other radio form fields in some cases
- ImportDocument() did not work properly for documents that were pending a password
- List field highlights were sometimes rendered twice, resulting in a darker on screen appearance
- PdfDocumentSetting.DisableDownload did not prevent download of PDF when printing with RenderAtClientForPrinting=true
- RenderAtClient failed for newly appended documents
- Signature shape input with pen did not prevent scrolling
- Signature shape "Sign" button text did not use the correct font
- Some buttons caused browser scrolling on touch when using iOS 13
- Text form fields with auto font size in Safari on Mac after "Zoom In" displayed incorrect
- Work around added for iOS scrolling bug
Released 2020-06-02
Version 3.13.5
iOS mouse support, iOS desktop mode support, and other improvements
Feature Updates
- Bluetooth mouse support added for iOS / iPad OS
- Browsing with "Request Desktop Website" turned "On" in Safari on iOS / iPad OS now supported (the new default on iPads with 13.4)
- Mobile / touch device pinch and zoom improvements
Bug Fixes
- Extremely large objects (>50") using canvas sometimes caused issues in Firefox and Internet Explorer
- Single click (non-wrapped) PdfTextShapes sometimes did not appear properly on iOS
Released 2020-04-17
Version 3.13
Export and import objects, bug fixes, and other improvements
Feature Updates
- PdfDocument.ExportObjects() method added
- PdfDocument.ImportObjects(string) method added
- PdfObject.Export() method added
- PdfPage.ImportObject(string) method added
- Page rendering improvements
Bug Fixes
- Client API would improperly apply "left" and "top" to PdfObject's when the value was passed as a string instead of a numeric
- PdfObject.OutputToPdf=false on PdfImageShape or PdfSignatureShape would cause object data to be deleted from SQL Server database, as it was not flagged as in use
- PdfWebControl.CopyDocument(commit=false), image data was not always copied to the new document
Released 2020-03-31
Version 3.12
Render at client for printing and searching, radio button bug fixes, and other improvements
Feature Updates
- PdfAdvancedSettings.UseService property added, optionally preventing the DLL from using the System Service
- Production License renamed Server License
- RenderAtClient now also supports rendering printing at the client
- RenderAtClient now also supports searching at the client
- RenderAtClientForPrinting added to PdfWebControl and PdfWebControlLite
- RenderAtClientForViewing added to PdfWebControl and PdfWebControlLite
- Radio buttons now support a cleared NoToggleToOff flag
- Work around added for printing Lite Documents with Edge / IE and using DefaultPdfSessionProvider
Bug Fixes
- Drop down menus did not properly respond to touch on some desktop browsers (Chrome & Firefox)
- New radio form fields did not always function properly in the GUI
- New radio form fields did not always have the correct flags set
- Radio form fields were sometimes mistaken as check fields
- Security vulnerability fixed: Installer vulnerability (DLL sideloading) fixed by vendor
Breaking Changes
- PdfAdvancedSettings.UseService will need to be set to false for RAD PDF implementations using RenderAtClient and no available service (previous versions ignored sending errors in some cases)
Released 2020-01-22
Version 3.11.5
General improvements and minor bug fixes
Feature Updates
- Rendering improvements for blending (up to 20% faster)
- Rendering improvements for embedded JPEG 2000 images
Bug Fixes
- Rendering corrections for certain dash patterns and gray pixel formats
- Text field alignment was not set when using Client API
- Tooltip was not copied when unlocking a form field
- Tooltip set with Client API was not immediately applied
Released 2019-12-12
Version 3.11
Form field calculation and page rendering improvements
Feature Updates
- Form field calculations are now performed in the order specified by the form designer
- Client and server rendering engines improved
Bug Fixes
- Server side annotation clones were not always output to PDF properly
Released 2019-10-29
Version 3.10.5
General usage improvements and minor bug fixes
Feature Updates
- ASP.NET Core improvements
- Documentation improvements
- PdfWebControlLite.DocumentSession property added
- RenderAtClient library updated
- Server rendering improvements
Bug Fixes
- Client API's PdfObject.unlock() should not allow unlocking for annotations if PdfDocumentSettings.DisableAlterObjects is set
- Rendering bug fixed: Damaged glyphs with a large bounding box cause could a loop
Released 2019-09-17
Version 3.10
ASP.NET Core support and other minor improvements
Feature Updates
- ASP.NET Core Support added (RadPdfCore.dll)
- Rendering anti-aliasing can now be turned off via the registry
Bug Fixes
- Buffer overflow could occur with some crafty PDF files addressing objects outside of the file size
- Statistics logging sometimes caused an unhandled exception to be logged instead
Released 2019-07-15
Version 3.9.5
Per object output / printing, API improvements, and minor bug fixes
Feature Updates
- Client API can now set checkType for PdfCheckField and PdfRadioField objects
- DocumentSavedEventArgs.Document property added
- PdfLinkAnnotations destination could not be set to "tel:" and other protocols in GUI
- PdfObject.OutputToPDF property added
- PdfMarkupAnnotation.Print property added
- PdfShape.Print property added
- PdfSignatureShape popup button location improved
Bug Fixes
- PdfSignatureShape popup buttons did not work with some Android versions
- PdfSignatureShape text alignment did not work when using a popup
- Temp files were not used in some cases when creating new documents (loading PDF) in RAD PDF
Released 2019-05-28
Version 3.9
Popup signature shape object improvements and minor bug fixes
Feature Updates
- DocumentSavingEventArgs.Flatten property added
- PdfIntegrationProvider.OnHttpHandlerException() added
- PdfSignatureShape popup GUI now shows which method is selected
- PdfSignatureShape.PopupButtonText added allowing for custom button text to be set for a signature object
- PdfSignatureShape.PopupButtonTooltip added allowing for a tooltip to be set for a signature object
- PdfWcfSettings.MaxReceivedMessageSize default updated to 1 GB
Bug Fixes
- New versions of Firefox could not change the value of combo (drop down) form fields because of browser changes
- PdfSignatureShape border was placed slightly off
- PdfSignatureShape ink in popup did not create dots on single click
- PdfSignatureShape text was not placed in the same place as the GUI
Released 2019-04-25
Version 3.8
Bidirectional text support added and other minor bug fixes
Feature Updates
- Bidirectional (Arabic, Hebrew, Urdu, etc) text is now supported by RAD PDF (connecting letters in languages like Arabic and Urdu is not yet supported; this feature is coming soon)
- PdfDocument.BidiTextMode property added
- Server side rendering improvements
Bug Fixes
- Client API .unlock() no longer causes the "objectChanged" event to fire
- Right text alignment did not always align properly
Released 2019-03-19
Version 3.7.5
Client API improvements and other minor bug fixes
Feature Updates
- Client API .setProperties() no longer causes the "objectChanged" event to fire
- Server side rendering improvements
Bug Fixes
- Client API Page object had some methods broken by 3.7 update
- Wrapped form fields with auto font size would sometimes use a font smaller than needed
Released 2019-01-22
Version 3.7
Signature shape improvements and other minor enhancements
Feature Updates
- ImageFit property added to PdfSignatureShape allowing for Contain or Fill image fits
- PdfSignatureShape fill shown in popup
- RenderAtClient renderer updated
Bug Fixes
- PdfSignatureShape border should render last in PDF output
Released 2018-12-04
Version 3.6
Set object rotation using the GUI or API and bug fixes for recently introduced features.
Feature Updates
- PdfField.Rotation property added
- PdfImageShape.Rotation property added
- PdfSignatureShape.Rotation property added
- PdfTextShape.Rotation property added
Bug Fixes
- PdfSignatureShape text input did not work properly in all browsers
- PdfSignatureShape drawn input (when using a Popup) did not always work on iOS
Released 2018-10-23
Version 3.5
Add signatures via a popup dialog and other improvements.
Feature Updates
- PdfSignatureShape now supports a signature shape which can be clicked and a popup displayed allowing input via mouse, touch, typing or uploaded image
- PdfSignatureShape.PopupInput added
- PdfSignatureShape.PopupInputMethods added
Bug Fixes
- Combo / dropdown form fields could not be activated using touch in some Firefox and Chrome versions on desktops
- Custom PdfLiteSessionProviders still required ASP.NET session being enabled
- Grouped thumbnails did not work for Lite Documents using alternative renderer
Released 2018-09-13
Version 3.4.5
General usage improvements and minor bug fixes.
Feature Updates
- Maintenance can now be run without SQL Server configured to clean up temp usage when only using Lite Documents
- Signed PDF files with annotations can now be opened (with annotations disabled) without invalidating the signatures
- Stats reporting added for on demand cache
Bug Fixes
- Lite document UseHash setting did not work for some PDF files
- OnClientLoad event was called more than once in some cases
Released 2018-07-02
Version 3.4
Lite Document performance improvements and minor bug fixes.
Feature Updates
- PdfLiteSettings.UseHash property added allowing resources to be reused for Lite Documents too
- To improve signature rendering, if annotations are disabled, we don't rename them on import
- Maintenance can be run without SQL connection string for use with Lite Documents
Bug Fixes
- Image types were not validated when being added to Lite Documents
- Services storage total size stat was sometimes incorrect
- Work around added to fix issue with Safari 11 on iOS where page scrolls when trying to add objects
Released 2018-05-04
Version 3.3
General usage improvements and minor bug fixes.
Feature Updates
- PdfLiteSession.FileName property added.
- PdfWebControl Create / Copy / Import now returns the document ID
- PdfWebControlLite Create / Copy / Import now returns the session
- Import / export document improvements
- WasImported property added to DocumentCreatedEventArgs
Bug Fixes
- Lite Documents could not be used with RenderAtClient without System Service
- Lite Documents did not always save back to storage properly
- Saving documents with images did not always work as expected with server API
- Searches after a failed search sometimes also failed
- Signatures would not render properly when PDF files were protected by an owner password
Released 2018-03-27
Version 3.2
Lite Document improvements and new code samples.
Feature Updates
- Client API getObjectSelected() method added
- Client API object properties updated to include absoluteHeight / absoluteLeft / absoluteTop / absoluteWidth
- More complete and mobile friendly custom UI code sample added
- GetPdf() and GetOriginalPdf() methods added to PdfWebControlLite
- SqlServerPdfLiteSessionProvider and SqlServerPdfLiteStorageProvider code samples added
Bug Fixes
- Adding image via a key did not work for Lite Documents
Released 2018-02-06
Version 3.1
Lite Documents now support adding images and appending.
Feature Updates
- Lite Documents support adding images
- Lite Documents support appending PDF files
- PdfLiteSessionProvider.GenerateKey() added to allow custom implementations to easily generate a secure key
Bug Fixes
- Lite Documents could not access DocumentSavedEventArgs.DocumentData when saved
Released 2017-12-12
Version 3.0
Lite Documents introduced, use RAD PDF without SQL Server, and other enhancements.
Feature Updates
- Default HttpHandler now allows access to session information
- PdfWebControlLite added, allowing for most RAD PDF functionality to be used without a database like SQL Server
- PdfIntegrationProvider updated to allow custom a PdfLiteSessionProvider and PdfLiteStorageProvider
- PdfLiteStorageAdapater added
Bug Fixes
- Text annotations (sticky notes) could move slightly when zooming
Released 2017-11-28
Version 2.39
Client side rendering and improved large file support.
Feature Updates
- Client side rendering (instead of server side rendering) option added
- Default page layout is now single page continuous scroll (SinglePageContinuous)
- Flate / GZIP compression added for on demand text requests
- PdfAdvancedSettings.TempDirectory property added, allowing for the use of a temp file when processing a PDF
- PdfAdvancedSettings.UseTempThreshold property added
- RAD PDF can now be used without the System Service with reduced functionality (searching & printing still require it)
- System Service renders files over 100 MB using a temp file by default reducing memory use with large files
- System Service uses cache outside of SQL Server by default
Bug Fixes
- Annotations which should not print sometimes printed
- Internet Explorer did not show some long rendering pages
Released 2017-11-07
Version 2.38
Signature tool improvements, bug fixes, and other enhancements.
Feature Updates
- Client API can now add / edit PdfSignature shapes
- GUI can now add / edit PdfSignature shapes (disabled by default)
- PdfIntegrationProvider.Current property added
- PdfWcfSettings.ClientReceiveTimeout property added
- PdfWebControl.ShowSignatureShapeTool property added
Bug Fixes
- Font resources could be incorrect for PdfFont class when multiple instances in the same application
- IE6 / IE7 / IE8 did not work with signature shapes having transparent backgrounds
Released 2017-10-03
Version 2.37
New signature tools, RAD PDF integration improvements, and other enhancements.
Feature Updates
- PdfSignatureShape object type added enabling signable regions of a PDF page
- PdfWcfSettings.ClientSecurityMode property added so that RAD PDF can be used without network / transport security, if desired
- Support for different PdfIntegrationProviders in the same application (subdirectories can specify different a "RadPdfIntegrationProvider" via the web.config, but must have unique names)
Bug Fixes
- Client API PdfObject.setImage() method did not work properly for PdfImageShapes with pre-existing images
- Client API setCustomData(value) method did not flag that the document has unsaved changes
Released 2017-08-02
Version 2.36.7
Client API improvements and bug fixes.
Feature Updates
- Client API getCustomData() method added
- Client API setCustomData() method added
- Visual Studio 2017 solution added
Bug Fixes
- Bold font styles on rendered pages appeared sometimes too thin
- CMYK JPEG 2000 work around added
- Document.CustomData was not removed from PDF if the value was cleared
- Some damaged ICC profiles could cause an app crash on saving
Released 2017-06-13
Version 2.36.6
PDF form field rotation improvements and bug files.
Feature Updates
- DocumentDownloadingEventArgs.UseRFC6266 property added
- Form fields are now added at the current page rotation, and preserve that rotation after future page rotation
- PdfFormField.Rotation property added
- PdfObject.Duplicatable property added
- RFC 6266 support added for downloading with Unicode file names
Bug Fixes
- PDF combo / drop down form fields had corrupt option names if PDF was encrypted
- Rotated form fields in IE8 did not always appear correctly
- Unicode file names were not correct when downloading with IE
Released 2017-04-04
Version 2.36.5
PDF form handling improvements and bug fixes.
Feature Updates
- Calculation script improvements
- PdfMarkupAnnotation.IsOpen property added
- PdfPopupAnnotation.IsOpen property added
Bug Fixes
- Annotations with Popups weren't always found correctly in files also with PDF fields
- PdfCircleAnnotation and PdfSquareAnnotation border / fill could not be set using server API
- Some PDF bookmark types were corrupted by RAD PDF
Released 2017-03-07
Version 2.36
Microsoft Edge touch improvements and text shape alignment.
Feature Updates
- Basic PDF form field JavaScript validation for time form fields (AFTime_Format / AFTime_Keystroke) support added
- Client API getDpi() method added
- Microsoft Edge touch improvements
- PdfTextShapes now support center and right text alignment (if object is wrappable)
Bug Fixes
- Client API "objectMoved" did not always fire
Released 2017-01-24
Version 2.35.6
Bug fixes and security improvements.
Feature Updates
- Basic PDF form field JavaScript validation for date form fields (AFDate_FormatEx / AFDate_KeystrokeEx) support added
- XML loading security improvements (document entities are now stripped before processing for improved XEE protection)
Bug Fixes
- Non-changeable text form fields were not always scrollable
- Rotated highlight annotations did not have their sides properly rounded
- TIFF encoded images were sometimes not rendered properly
Released 2016-12-14
Version 2.35.5
Bug fixes and API extensions.
Feature Updates
- Client API "objectMoved" event added
- Client API "objectResized" event added
- Client API "objectStyled" event added
- Default PdfWebControl.RenderDpi is now 144
- Minor rendering improvements
- Multiline form field improvements
Breaking Changes
- Default PdfWebControl.RenderDpi is now 144
- PdfFont.Size is now a double
- PdfFont.AutoSize is now a double
Bug Fixes
- Android / iOS could not scroll drop downs without selecting an option
- Client API PdfAnnotation creation and modification dates were incorrect
Released 2016-11-03
Version 2.35
Color management and annotation improvements.
Feature Updates
- Improved color management when rendering pages
- Minor document loading performance enhancement
- Text markup annotations are now added based on the rotation of selected text
- Unlocked radio form fields now keep their checked states
Bug Fixes
- Multiple sequential Append() actions failed with certain implementations
- Some PDF files encrypted with RC4 could not be loaded
Released 2016-08-02
Version 2.34.5
Performance and cache directory improvements.
Feature Updates
- Cache directory can now also be used for printing, allowing optional configuration without the pges table
- CollapseViewerSide added to PdfWebControl
- HTTP roundtrip saved for documents fully rendered on demand (default), speeding up document display by ~100ms
Bug Fixes
Released 2016-04-29
Version 2.34
Text selection improvements and optional rendering cache directory added.
Feature Updates
- RenderCacheLocation support added (disabled by default) allowing on demand rendered resources to be stored outside of SQL Server. This can reduce SQL Server Maintenance by as much as 50%
- Text selection position accuracy greatly improved for text using long kerning records
Bug Fixes
- Chrome printing A4 pages caused a blank page between print output
- Client API PdfObject.getProperties() threw an exception if object was in text edit mode
- Client API PdfObject.setProperties() did not properly reset form field highlights in all cases
Released 2016-03-30
Version 2.33
New circle and square annotation tools, easier redirects, and other improvements
Feature Updates
- Create PdfCircleAnnotation objects via API and GUI
- Create PdfSquareAnnotation objects via API and GUI
- DocumentSavedEventArgs.ThenExecuteJS property added
- DocumentSavedEventArgs.ThenRedirectTo property added
- DocumentSavedEventArgs.ThenReloadDocument property added
- iOS text input improvements
- Object properties toolbar updated to use new icons
- PdfPopupAnnotations are now rendered using a clean, lighter color
Bug Fixes
- New form fields with periods in their names were added incorrectly
- Pre-existing markup annotations are now orientated properly if their quadpoints indicate a non-zero rotation
Released 2016-02-25
Version 2.32.5
This service release includes minor bug fixes and enhancements
Feature Updates
- AFSimple_Calculate() improved to prevent float rounding errors
- Create / Unlock form fields with Unicode (non-ASCII) names
- Paragraph text form field creation option added to GUI
- Support for existing PdfComboFields and PdfListFields with Unicode values added
Bug Fixes
- Copied words in text selected contained an extra space
- Default Android browser could not interact with some RAD PDF buttons
- DoNotScroll did not work properly in IE11 because of an MS bug, work around added
- New annotations were not printable in some cases
- New link annotations were invisible in some cases
- PdfAnnotation.Locked was not always correctly read
- Some fonts were incorrectly replaced when rendering
Released 2016-01-19
Version 2.32
Render document text on demand, AES 256 support, and other improvements
Feature Updates
- AES 256 rev 6 (Adobe Acrobat X) encrypted documents can now be loaded
- Chrome 46 CSS bug work around added (caused highlight annotation appearance issues)
- New sample application using Kendo UI added
- PdfIntegrationProvider.OnDocumentCreated() added
- PdfWebControl.RenderTextOnDemand property added
Bug Fixes
- IE Metro did not print PDF documents correctly
- PdfDocumentSettings.DisableSearchText caused an error when saving in some cases
Released 2015-11-10
Version 2.31
Render thumbnails on demand, keyboard shortcuts, and other improvements
Feature Updates
- Additional object properties can now be set from GUI dialog
- Keyboard shortcut support added (find, print, save, bold, italic, and underline)
- PdfWebControl.CopyDocument() now allows changes to documentSetings if more permissive
- Popup annotation interaction improvements
- RenderThumbnailsOnDemand added to PdfWebControl (enabled by default)
Bug Fixes
- Client API "objectAdded" event argument textSelected value was incorrectly preceeded by "undefined" in some browsers
- In rare cases, radio buttons were not set in PDF and printer output
- In some cases when using Chrome, pasting multiple lines of text resulted in extra blank lines
- Not all reserved XML characters were properly escaped when parsing GUI entered rich text to a Popup annotation in some browsers
Released 2015-10-06
Version 2.30
Enhanced annotation support, rich popup styling, and other improvements
Feature Updates
- PdfCaretAnnotation class added
- PdfStrikeoutAnnotation class added
- PdfUnderlineAnnotation class added
- Popup annotations (PdfPopupAnnotations) now support basic rich styling (bold, italic, underline)
- Popup annotations can now be shown for PdfCaretAnnotations / PdfHighlightAnnotations / PdfStrikeoutAnnotations / PdfUnderlineAnnotations
- QuadPoints creation now set when the user addes PdfHighlightAnnotations / PdfStrikeoutAnnotations / PdfUnderlineAnnotations and there is selectable text
- Single click created PdfTextShapes bounding box improved
Bug Fixes
- Reset PdfButtonFields did not always have their actions properly added to PDF output
Released 2015-08-31
Version 2.29
Import and export RAD PDF documents, create PDF form field buttons, and other improvements
Feature Updates
- 64-bit version of RAD PDF Service Helper (RadPdfServiceHelper64.exe) added (contact Red Software for more information)
- Downloading in iOS now shows a button which can be clicked so that the PDF can be opened in a new window and more easily saved to iBooks
- ExportDocument() method added to DocumentSavingEventArgs
- ExportDocument() method added to PdfStorageAdapter
- ImportDocument() method added to PdfWebControl
- Optional complete 64-bit operation
- PdfButtonField objects which reset or submit the form can now be added using the GUI
- Popup annotations can now be positioned off page and "stick" to edges
Bug Fixes
- IE10 does not properly display options containing only whitespace; workaround for this IE10 specific bug added
- IE10 and IE11 on Windows 8 had drop down scrollbars which would close when trying to be scroll using the mouse because of a Microsoft event behavior change
Released 2015-07-22
Version 2.28
Object duplication tool, PDF form field submit button support, and other enhancements
Feature Updates
- Client API PdfObjectProperties "isReset" and "isSubmit" added
- Duplicate menu option added for object property drop downs
- Error logging improvements
- Form field button reset action support added
- Form field button submit action support added
- IsReset and IsSubmit buttons added to PdfButtonField class
- Required form field improvements
Bug Fixes
- A JavaScript exception could be thrown if a Client API selection changed to an object other than that clicked in "objectClicked" event's handler
- Damaged output created if specific content stream were conditions
- Images were not always added properly if user saved while image tool was active without an image on the page
Released 2015-06-16
Version 2.27.5
This service release includes minor bug fixes and enhancements
Feature Updates
- DisablePdfJavaScript property added to PdfWebControl
- DocumentKey security improved for case insensitive collations
- PdfFontResource.MatchingNames property added
- PdfFontResourceCollection.Default field added
- PdfFontResourceCollection.Find(string) method added
- Text extracting improved
Bug Fixes
- Client API PdfObjectProperties "left" and "top" did not take an altered cropbox into consideration
- Client API PdfPage.getWidth() and PdfPage.getHeight() did not take an altered cropbox into consideration
- CloneTo() did not properly clone pre-existing child PopupAnnotations
- PdfObject.Left and PdfObject.Top did not take an altered cropbox into consideration
- PdfPage.Width and PdfPage.Height did not take an altered cropbox into consideration
Released 2015-05-08
Version 2.27
Unicode form field support, optional CMap utilization, and other improvements
Feature Updates
- AdvancedSettings property added to PdfIntegrationProvider
- Hashing performance improvements
- New PdfAdvancedSettings class with CMapDirectory and CMapDirectoryExists properties
- Right click on Mac can now be triggered using the CTRL key
- Unicode form field value and appearance stream support (CJK)
Bug Fixes
- Download button in IE6 - IE8 appeared slightly off center
Released 2015-02-24
Version 2.26
Drag and drop file upload, large file optimizations, and other minor improvements
Feature Updates
- ClientSecurityTransportProtectionLevel and MessageDataSizeThreshold properties added to PdfWcfSettings
- Document Key security improved (entropy increased)
- Drag and drop upload support for appending and image adding
- Large file handling has been improved, allowing for reduced memory overhead when calling CreateDocument()
- Upload progress for appending and image adding (when supported by browser)
Bug Fixes
- Appending a PDF which was previously created (but never rendered because RenderOnDemand was set to true) to an open document (which has AllowFindMatchingPdf=true and RenderOnDemand=true) threw a RadPdfDatabaseException
- Calculated form fields were not updated in rare circumstances
- If temp directory was deleted while RAD PDF Service was running, an error could occur (folder is now automatically recreated)
- The initial font size for rotated auto size form fields was sometimes incorrect
Released 2014-12-17
Version 2.25.5
This service release includes minor bug fixes and enhancements
Feature Updates
- Appearance streams now re-rendered for form fields when printing and NeedAppearances is true
Bug Fixes
- Additional rendering fixes
- AFMakeNumber did not properly handle nulls
- Null input to Client API could cause errors to occur in older versions of Internet Explorer
- PdfFields using calculation scripts which concatenate strings in some cases incorrectly contained "NaN"
- PdfFields using cascading calculation scripts could cause a JavaScript exception
- The text color of PdfTextFields could be wrong if two with the same name used different fonts
Released 2014-10-28
Version 2.25
Printer settings dialogs improvements, CMap support, and rendering improvements
Feature Updates
- Additional font metrics for PDF form fields are used to improve text display in preexisting (IsLocked = true) multi lined PdfTextFields.
- CMap support added for page rendering
- Print settings dialog now supports setting the page from / to for printing
- Print settings dialog now only shows margin settings for browsers which require it
Bug Fixes
- Custom RAD PDF System Service ports were not properly used when set via the Admin Tool
- ExternalStyle's value should be escaped so that the URL is properly inserted if it contains illegal characters for an XHTML attribute
- New link annotations linking to a page when not in highlight mode did not function properly when clicked (attempted to load an empty URL instead)
- On Android, PdfCheckFields were receiving two clicks on touch and hence not usable
- Saving a PDF while a form field is active which has other fields of the same name on previous pages would not be properly updated during the save
- Various minor rendering corrections
Released 2014-09-09
Version 2.24
Remove existing link annotations, web font support, and other improvements
Feature Updates
- Client API destinationPage added to PdfObjectProperties class
- Client API destinationType added to PdfObjectProperties class
- Client API destinationUrl added to PdfObjectProperties class
- OnDocumentInit() method added to PdfIntegrationProvider
- DocumentInitEventArgs class added
- ExternalStyle property added to DocumentInitEventArgs class to facilitate the use of web fonts (e.g. WOFF, TTF, OTF, SVG, EOT)
- EnableRestoreAllPages property added to PdfWebControl (default false)
- For use in custom JavaScript calculation scripts, the valueAsString property added to the object returned by getField()
- IsLocked property added to PdfObject class
- Pre existing link annotations can now be deleted (via right click)
- Pre existing link annotations now are accessible using the Client API and Server API
- When highlights are turned off, new PdfLinkAnnotations are now active (a click sends the user to the destination) and unmovable
Bug Fixes
- Deleting a preexisting form field (PdfField with IsLocked = true) via the GUI or Client API resulted in the field being unlocked instead of deleted
- In custom JavaScript calculation scripts, the value property of the object returned by getField() was not automatically made a Numeric
- Radio field values were not properly provided to custom JavaScript calculation scripts
Released 2014-07-24
Version 2.23
PDF form field updates, visual enhancements for next generation browser features, and other improvements
Feature Updates
- Add / unlock PDF form fields with periods in their fully qualified name
- CustomData property added to PdfDocument class
- Form Field JavaScript improvements for some custom scripts
- PdfHighlightAnnotations now use a multiply blend mode in browsers where available (instead of simply adjusting opacity)
- RenderOnDemand performance improvements for newly rendered pages
Bug Fixes
- Client API value for combo and list form fields should be based on the export value
- PdfTextFields with the Comb flag set did not properly display a border between characters
- Printing unchanged documents containing signed, valid PdfSignatureFields appeared invalid or missing in printer output
Released 2014-06-17
Version 2.22
Pages can now be rendered as needed, thumbnail image grouping support, and logging improvements
Feature Updates
- EnableLogging property added to PdfHttpSettings
- GroupThumbnails property added to PdfWebControl, reducing the number of image requests
- LogDocumentKeyNotFoundException property added to PdfHttpSettings
- RenderOnDemand property added to PdfWebControl, allowing pages to be rendered as needed by the user
- RAD PDF Maintenance statistics logging improved
Bug Fixes
- A license error was incorrectly displayed despite a valid license key when in Visual Studio's Design Mode
- In rare cases, RAD PDF's server side code could reject an append operation because of rendering status, even though the PDF is fully rendered
Released 2014-05-30
Version 2.21
Scroll documents using a new hand tool, maintenance performance improvements, and various bug fixes
Feature Updates
- Customize the error message shown when appending a document with page dimensions which exceed MaxPdfPageWidth / MaxPdfPageHeight
- Hand Scroll tool added to PdfWebControl
- HideHandScroll property added to PdfWebControl
- RAD PDF Maintenance logging improved
- RAD PDF Maintenance performance improved for removing old print records
- RAD PDF Maintenance performance improved for removing unused PDF records
Bug Fixes
- In rare cases, the JPEG 2000 decoder caused a black image to appear instead of the image
- The wrong value was sometimes displayed for PdfComboFields when printed or flattened if the field options contained values and export values
- Thumbnails very near the bottom of the thumbnails pane not to properly auto load
- Touching a PdfTextShape or PdfTextField object twice in a row using iOS caused keyboard input to be ignored and no text could be entered
- When opening certain PDF files, a null-terminator in an array or dictionary was incorrectly treated as error
Released 2014-04-03
Version 2.20
Document searching via the server API as well as improvements for Internet Explorer 11 and SQL Server
Feature Updates
- CommandTimeout property added to SqlServerPdfStorageProvider, allowing a timeout to be set for each SqlCommand internally used by RAD PDF
- DocumentKeyMaxAge property of PdfWebControl updated so that for non-positive values, RAD PDF doesn't bother creating a DocumentKey
- MaxPdfPageWidth property added to PdfWebControl
- MaxPdfPageHeight property added to PdfWebControl
- Search() method added to PdfDocumentEditor class. Searches can now be done using the server API
Bug Fixes
- After tabbing, a bug in Internet Explorer 11 crippled user input to PdfTextField objects, a work around has been implemented
- Client API assigned highlight color (highlightColor) was not preserved when a PdfField object was unlocked
- CMYK images were rendered inverted if stored with JPEG compression
- LZW scanline decoder caused an exception on some platforms if a scanline ended exactly at a NO_LZW_CODE tag
- PDF files containing more than one optional content configuration dictionary caused an exception on some platforms
Released 2014-02-20
Version 2.19
Improved PDF rendering, support for SQL Server ISO data types, and numerous API improvements
Feature Updates
- Client API "creationDate" property added to PdfObjectProperties class
- Client API hasImage() method added to PdfObject class
- Client API setImage() method added to PdfObject class
- CreationDate property added to PdfMarkupAnnotation class
- DownloadPageFrom and DownloadPageTo properties added to DocumentDownloadingEventArgs so that a subset of pages in a document can be downloaded using the PdfIntegrationProvider
- FindAll() method added to PdfFieldCollection class
- PdfWebControl optimized so that if no changes have been made, the document is simply downloaded without unnecessarily saving
- PdfWebControl's HideRightClickMenu property updated so that if true, the browser's default context menu will be shown instead of simply nothing
- RAD PDF renderer updated for improved page clarity (with failback to old renderer)
- RAD PDF added support for SQL Server data types [nvarchar](max) and [varbinary](max) so that they can be used instead of the now deprecated [ntext] and [image]
- Server side XML parsing enhancements
Breaking Changes
- FlattenDownload() method of DocumentDownloadingEventArgs has been changed to a boolean property
Bug Fixes
- Bookmarks added to pages after one which had been deleted did not link to the proper page
- Bookmarks added to pages which had been moved did not link to the proper pages
- Client API documentation corrections for append() and saveAndWait() methods
- Client API "downloading" event was not raised if document was read-only
- Client API incorrectly fired the "saving" event when printing
- Client API setProperties() method did not allow the "customData" property to be set for PdfButtonField, PdfSignatureField, and pre-existing PdfLinkAnnotation objects
- PdfInkShape objects (or paths) with a single point filled the entire object instead of simply occupying a single point when resized
Released 2014-01-14
Version 2.18
Deskew PDF pages, API optimizations, and various bug fixes
Feature Updates
- Client API PdfPage class updated to include deskewPage() method
- Client API .setProperties() method optimized (use of page caching speeds up successive object edits)
- CloneTo() method added to PdfObject to facilitate copying a object from one page to another
- Deskew / straighten a pages in a PDF document using the GUI
- DeskewAngle property added to PdfPage
- DeskewPage() method added to PdfPage
- GetPoints() method added to PdfInkShape
- SetPoints() method added to PdfInkShape
Breaking Changes
- PdfBorder class is now a struct
- PdfColor class is now a struct
Bug Fixes
- Author, Content, and Subject were not properly saved to PDF for PdfCircleAnnotation, PdfHighlightAnnotation, and PdfSquareAnnotation objects
- Client API .addObject() method did not properly add objects using the page's zoom (radViewZoom was used instead of oRefreshedZoom)
- Client API .setView() method would not properly apply scroll if also viewing a new page
- Highlighted comb text fields didn't always appear properly if text color was not black
- If the crop box for a PDF page was larger as the media box (which shouldn't happen in a valid PDF), a corrupt page format was output in some cases
- Last page of document being appended to was unnecessarily re-rendered in some cases
- Page "Crop" tool did not properly show its state in the PdfWebControl toolbar
- PdfRectangleShape did not properly inherit from PdfPolygonShape
- RAD PDF Admin Tool didn't always properly display time values
- Some PDF files using a soft mask with a transfer function did not render correctly
Released 2013-10-15
Version 2.17
Create semi-transparent objects, Client API improvements, and various bug fixes
Feature Updates
- Additional resource strings added to PdfWebControlResources
- AFNumber_Format() implementation now better emulates Adobe Acrobat
- Client API PdfObjectProperties class updated to include comb property
- Client API PdfObjectProperties class updated to include doNotScroll property
- Client API PdfObjectProperties class updated to include edit property
- Client API PdfObjectProperties class updated to include maxLength property
- Client API PdfObjectProperties class updated to include multiline property
- Client API PdfObjectProperties class updated to include multiSelect property
- Client API PdfObjectProperties class updated to include opacity property
- Client API PdfObjectProperties class updated to include readOnly property
- Client API PdfObjectProperties class updated to include required property
- Client API PdfObjectProperties class updated to include sort property
- Client API PdfWebControlApi class updated to include getField() method
- Line and arrow tools now display a line while being dragged out
- Object properties dialog updated to support setting opacity in PdfWebControl GUI
- Opacity property added to PdfShape class
- PNG transparency support added for Internet Explorer 6
Bug Fixes
- Objects added via Client API when page is out of view, but previously loaded, did not appear properly
- Resizable property did not have an effect for PdfTextShape objects (when false)
- Rotated objects in Internet Explorer 8 were not always displayed properly
- Thumbnails had a faint black border appear on the top and left
Released 2013-08-14
Version 2.16
Add and edit PDF bookmarks, tab from page to page, API improvements, and various bug fixes
Feature Updates
- Add / delete / move / nest bookmarks using the PdfWebControl GUI
- Client API getDocumentInfo() method added
- Client API getDocumentSecurity() method added
- Client API setDocumentInfo() method added
- Client API setDocumentSecurity() method added
- Client API PdfDocumentInfo class added
- Client API PdfDocumentSecurity class added
- Support for PDF JavaScript function AFSpecial_Keystroke added
- TabToNextPage property added to PdfWebControl
Bug Fixes
- Chrome, when zoomed using browser zoom, could prevent entry into some form field types
- Internet Explorer 10 in an older browser mode, but current document mode prevented some object types from rendering properly
- When clicking a movable PdfComboField, the object improperly could still be moved after mouse up
Released 2013-06-04
Version 2.15
Appending tools improved, control document security using server API, printing improvements, and various bug fixes
Feature Updates
- Appending now only prompts for save if needed
- CheckIsRendered() method added to PdfDocumentEditor
- DeleteDocumentKeys() method added to PdfStorageAdapter
- DocumentSecurity property added to PdfDocument class
- DisableMoreButton property added to PdfWebControl
- PdfDocumentSecurity class added
- PdfDocumentEditor.Append() method enhanced to support the use of pre-rendered resources
- PdfDocumentEditor.Append() method can now add blank pages
- PdfDocumentEditor.Append() method can now append a PdfDocument (via document ID)
- Printing improvement for browsers which support the CSS @page rules for margins
Breaking Changes
- Data property of DocumentAppendingEventArgs renamed DataToAppend
Bug Fixes
- Client API .cropPage() method threw an exception
- CopyDocument() method did not work properly if changes were not being committed
- Form field highlight disappeared in rare cases for same name form fields on different pages
- Internet Explorer 10 (only when Browser Mode: IE8; Document Mode: IE10 Standards) documents containing certain object types cases threw a JavaScript exception
- RAD PDF printing margin type selected in print dialog was ignored
- Service "RenderingPrepTimeout" and "RenderingTextTimeout" settings were ignored
Released 2013-04-30
Version 2.14
Rotate text, customize form field highlights, touch-device improvements, and various bug fixes
Feature Updates
- Client API append() method added
- HighlightColor property added to PdfField class allowing for a custom highlight color to be set
- Internet Explorer 10 can now use touch to add new objects
- PdfTextShape objects now rotate with the page (instead of being un-rotated relative to the page's current rotation and position / text layout changing with rotations after adding the object)
- Significant improvements for InkShape (Pen) tool's reactiveness / speed of redraw (and hence smoothness), especially for touch devices
- XML parsing improvement
Breaking Changes
- PdfObjectDataContext renamed PdfDataContext
- PdfObjectDataContext renamed PdfDataContext
- PdfObjectDataRequest renamed PdfDataRequest
- PdfObjectDataRequest.ObjectDataKey renamed PdfDataRequest.DataKey
- PdfObjectDataResponse renamed PdfDataResponse
- PdfObjectDataResponseStatus renamed PdfDataResponseStatus
Bug Fixes
- Client API's "rendered" event was fired prematurely
- Devices with both mouse and touch input could lose the ability to use some features via mouse after touch use
- In some cases, RAD PDF did not properly add PdfInkShape objects to when drawn using the Microsoft Surface's mouse because of IE10's use of fractional pixels
- Multi-lined and Wrappable PdfTextShape objects, which are not in "edit mode", weren't resized when font changed (resize handles aren't moved, etc.)
- Multi-lined and auto sized PdfTextField objects didn't always display text vertical position correctly
- Non-wrapping PdfTextShape objects would move if the page was rotated one direction and then the other
- Object data for deleted images was not always deleted on save
- Page number location on thumbnails was incorrect for rotated pages
- PdfTextField objects using a format requiring a comma as the integral separator was not supported
- PdfTextShape objects with underline didn't show underline in PdfWebControl
- PdfWebControl key presses (e.g. DEL key) didn't hide object drop down menus
- Text was not properly extracted from PDF files if FirstChar or LastChar of an imported Type3 font was to a larger value than 255
- TIFF files with a larger vertical resolution than horizontal resolution were not always correctly converted to PDF
Released 2013-03-28
Version 2.13
Optionally truncate long PDF documents, touch-device improvements, and various bug fixes
Feature Updates
- Improvements for use of PdfWebControl with non-iOS touch devices
- License property added to PdfIntegrationProvider to allow applying license via server side code
- ThrowMaxPagesException property added to PdfWebControl (if false, open the first x pages, set by MaxPdfPages, truncating the file without error)
Bug Fixes
- Google Chrome on Android 4 could not scroll a document in PdfWebControl
- IE7 / IE9 in compatibility mode did not close printing dialog after sent to printer via .print() call
- IE9 in compatibility mode threw an exception when printing
- IE9 threw a JavaScript exception when selecting some text form fields
- iOS users could not use all drop down menus in PdfWebControl
Released 2013-01-29
Version 2.12
Crop PDF pages, improved XFA options, and various bug fixes
Feature Updates
- Crop PDF pages using the new crop tool
- Crop PDF pages using the Client API & Server API
- ConvertXfaForm property added to PdfWebControl
- ThrowXfaFormException property added to PdfWebControl
Bug Fixes
- Damaged PDF files encrypted and with a bad ID could not be loaded without the owner password
- Files with large numbers of bookmarks did not perform well
Released 2012-12-05
Version 2.11
Windows Server 2012 compatibility, Internet Explorer 10 support, and various bug fixes
Feature Updates
- Windows Server 2012 compatibility
- Internet Explorer 10 support
- PDF form field keystroke event support for some field types added
- Pre-existing Highlight Annotations can now be deleted
Bug Fixes
- Damaged PDF files could cause an infinite loop in very rare cases
- In IE 8 and lower, right aligned text form fields didn't always function properly
- Pages with crop / media boxes which had negative width / height didn't display properly
- Pre-existing Text Annotations weren't always removed if deleted by the user
- Text annotation subject / contents changes made with the Client API didn't appear until page was refreshed
Released 2012-10-24
Version 2.10
PDF form field improvements and various bug fixes
Feature Updates
- PDF form field basic special format support added
- PDF form field DoNotScroll support improvements
- PDF form field orientation support for pre-existing form fields added (in most browsers)
- Client API events "objectSelected", "objectClick", etc. events now fire for button and signature fields
- RemoveOldDocuments method in PdfStorageAdapter updated to allow removal old documents using modification date (instead creation)
Bug Fixes
- PDF files using some types of clipping paths would hide shape additions in some regions of the page
- Objects couldn't be added to pages not yet rendered via Client API
- If no object was selected, using the Client API to set an object's font via setProperties caused a JavaScript error
- PdfTextShape objects which were not wrapping (single click added) would sometimes temporarily disappear on page zoom change / rotate
- Maintenance tasks requiring more than 2100 parameters would throw an exception
- Some PDF form fields would not flatten correctly
Released 2012-09-06
Version 2.9
Server side integration improvements and various bug fixes
Feature Updates
- BackColor property support added to PdfWebControl
- ClientCloseTimeout, ClientOpenTimeout, and ClientSendTimeout public properties added to the PdfWcfSettings class
- DownloadData property added to DocumentDownloadingEventArgs
- FlattenDownload method added to DocumentDownloadingEventArgs
- Maintenance methods added to PdfStorageAdapter
- MaxResolution property added to PdfImageShape so that default behavior for large images can be overridden
- Multi-line form field tool tip support added (where browser supported, including Internet Explorer & newer Firefox versions)
- PdfStorageProvider added to PdfIntegrationProvider so that storage connection string can be set without web.config
Bug Fixes
- Auto sized form fields wouldn't always display correctly in Internet Explorer after page rotation / zoom change
- If a page was scrolled into and then out of view, objects on page weren't always shown correctly
- Object location visually lagged when in Continuous Page Layout mode after page rotation / zoom change
- RAD PDF functioned improperly in Firefox 2
Released 2012-08-08
Version 2.8
Continuous page view support and user interaction improvements for touch devices
Feature Updates
- Single page continuous page layout support added
- ViewerPageLayoutDefault property added to PdfWebControl
- Objects are easier to create, select, move, and edit using touch-based devices
Bug Fixes
- File link annotations pointing to invalid pages caused an uncaught JavaScript exception
Released 2012-06-12
Version 2.7
Append files to a PDF, draw using a pen tool, and load BMP, JPEG, and PNG images
Feature Updates
- Append PDF documents to the currently open document using the RAD PDF user interface or API
- Freehand draw on a PDF document using the new ink tool
- Automatically convert to PDF and open BMP, JPEG, and PNG images with RAD PDF
Bug Fixes
- New / unlocked PDF combo / list PDF form fields with export values for choices did not properly get added to output PDF files
- Unlocked form fields with negative height or width were not re-added to PDF on save
Released 2012-04-09
Version 2.6
Open TIFF files in RAD PDF, enhanced form calculation support, and Client API improvements
Feature Updates
- Load single and multi-page TIFF files directly into RAD PDF
- Calculation support for form fields using "Simplified field notation" added
- DoNotScroll flag used for read-only form fields so that additional content can be shown
- DoNotScroll property added to PdfTextField
- HideHighlight property added to PdfObject (and Client API)
- Tooltip property added to PdfField
- objectChange event added to Client API
- getFields(n) method added to Client API
- getObject(ix) and getObjectCount() methods added to PdfPage in Client API
- isDeleted() method added to PdfObject in Client API
- exportValue property added to PdfObjectProperties in Client API
- getOption and getOptionCount methods added to PdfObject in Client API
Bug Fixes
- Popup Annotations did not properly display subject in viewer
- Client API did not properly set "visible" property
- Setting null value to ImageData property of PdfImageShape would late raise an exception
- Some files would not render properly
Released 2012-02-15
Version 2.5
Customize font choices, set additional text metrics, and Client API improvements
Feature Updates
- FontResources property added to PdfIntegrationProvider allowing custom fonts to be specified
- Set character spacing and line spacing for PdfTextShape objects
- onTextSelected event added to Client API
- select method add to Client API's PdfObject class
- PdfFontName and PdfFontType removed and internal Name search added
- PdfWebControl viewer properties now loaded at initialization of viewer in browser
- EnabledCaching property added to PdfHttpSettings class
Bug Fixes
- Some PdfWebControl viewer properties did not take effect properly if control was used on a master page
- On very slow connections, the PdfWebControl ViewState could be ignored in rare cases
- Wrong resource string for image upload dialog was used for "Upload" button
- New auto sized PDF form fields always used Arial as the font because of an internal font setting failure
Released 2012-01-05
Version 2.4
RAD PDF interface localization, ViewState improvements, and a streamlined printing experience
Feature Updates
- WebControlResources property added to PdfIntegrationProvider to allow for string resources to be specified for use in RAD PDF viewer
- PdfWebControl ViewState now automatically remembers page, zoom, scroll position, etc. on PostBack
- Printing interface streamlined (clicking "Close" is not required after printing completes)
- scrollX and scrollY properties added to PdfView object in Client API (viewChanged event fires on scroll change)
- side property added to PdfView object in Client API (viewChanged event fires on side panel change)
- CultureName property added to PdfWebControl
- ViewerHighlightsDefault property added to PdfWebControl
- SaveDocumentChanges property added to DocumentSavingEventArgs
Bug Fixes
- Some damaged PDF files with inline arrays, a damaged page object, a damaged header, or a damaged font couldn't be opened
- Client API validateForm method did not check if required form fields are completed when EnforceRequired PdfDocumentSetting was not set
- Changes to DocumentSavingEventArgs.Document were not always properly saved to storage
- A selected text object moved unexpectedly in some slow browsers with small window sizes
Released 2011-12-13
Version 2.3
Export PDF form data as FDF or XFDF, navigate directly to named destinations, and an improved Client API
Feature Updates
- Named Destination support; ViewerNamedDestinationDefault property added to PdfWebControl
- ExportData function added to PdfFieldCollection to allow the exporting of PDF form field data as FDF and XFDF
- Object properties (border, color, fillColor, lineColor, and lineWidth) added to Client API
Bug Fixes
- Some PDF files (often those containing a PDF portfolio, invalid annotation, or XFA form) could cause an error on load
- Some rare PDF forms could not be saved properly (form field values contained invalid characters)
- Some very rare PDF files selected and searched some text twice (offset)
- New untitled form fields were not always properly named
Released 2011-11-15
Version 2.2
Open more malformed PDF files, complete PDF forms quicker using the keyboard, and other minor updates
Feature Updates
- Support for corrupt or malformed PDF files needing repair significantly improved
- Tab support added for check, combo, list, and radio form fields
- PNG image alpha / transparency support
- ExportValue option added to PdfOption
- Old PdfDocumentInfo class renamed PdfDocumentProperties
- PdfDocumentInfo class added to access a PDF's Document Information dictionary
- NeedAppearances property added to PdfFieldCollection class
- HideFocusOutline property added to PdfObject class
- HideFocusOutline property added to PdfWebControl class
- SetDocumentFileName method added to PdfStorageAdapter
- addObject method added to Client API
- getHasUnsavedChanges method added to Client API
Bug Fixes
- Documents which add 2 or more fields with the same name would not have read-only or required attributes set
- AcroForm /Q 1 globally specified field alignment was ignored
- Some interactive annotations rendered to background image incorrectly
- Checkbox form fields using a circle as the checkmark did not render correctly
- Some check mark types (check, cross, star, diamond) for pre-existing check form fields appeared incorrectly in IE6 and IE7
- Client API could not properly access PdfObject's CustomData property
- Check shapes could incorrectly be transparent
- Color property of PdfCheckShape had no effect
- Toolbox Bitmap for PdfWebControl incorrectly displayed in Visual Studio (didn't work after obfuscated with v6.1)
- Form field tabbing would not work properly in some browsers if specific toolbars were hidden (caused by a loss of DOM focus)
- Delete and Unlock buttons not properly shown on toolbar for all object types in PdfWebControl interface
Released 2011-10-13
Version 2.1
Create new blank PDF documents, more tightly control printing, and other minor updates
Feature Updates
- Create new blank PDF documents using RAD PDF (via new CreateDocument overloads)
- Dynamically set the DPI for rendering documents when printing (via PrintDpi property of DocumentPrintingEventArgs)
- Dynamically set the page printing range (via PrintPageFrom and PrintPageTo properties of DocumentPrintingEventArgs)
Bug Fixes
- Client API getProperties method did not always return a valid object
- Client prompted twice for PDF password even if it was previously entered properly
Released 2011-08-15
Version 2.0
More powerful APIs, tighter integration, and more customizable PDF workflows
Feature Updates
- .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 or .NET Framework 4.0 required
- New PdfIntegrationProvider class for tighter ASP.NET Web application integration with RAD PDF events and customization
- Client API overhaul including:
- setMode method added (set the current user tool / interaction mode)
- objectAdded, objectClick, objectSelected, and objectUnselected events added
- viewChanged event replaces pageChanged event for additional view change notification
- downloading event replaces download to conform with new component model
- printing event replaces print to conform with new component model
- saved event replaces saveComplete to conform with new component model
- saving event replaces save to conform with new component model
- getView and setView methods replace individual methods for retrieving and changing aspects of the current view
- getProperties and setProperties methods added for use with new JavaScript PdfObject class for browser side object manipulation
- validateForm method added to check that all required form fields are completed and form meets other validation requirements
- PdfStorageAdapter class replaces 1.x PdfWebData class (allowing easy access to RAD PDF stored information internal or external of a web application)
- RenderControl and RenderHead methods added to PdfWebControl for ease of use with inline ASPX writes, HttpHandlers, or MVC applications
- Maintenance routinue greatly improved (significantly reduced overhead for large RAD PDF databases)
- Maintenance routinue can now be executed via command line (RadPdfService.exe -maint)
- CustomData property added to PdfObject class (to associate custom data with a specific object)
- Visible property added to PdfObject class
- DisableLinks property added to PdfWebControl
- HideObjectPropertiesBar property added to PdfWebControl
- Author property added to PdfMarkupAnnotation class
Bug Fixes
- RAD PDF maintenance could orphan object data in timeout scenarios
Released 2011-06-06
Version 1.10
Add highlight annotations to PDF files, large file optimizations, and significant performance improvements
Feature Updates
- Highlight annotations can be added to PDF documents in RAD PDF interface
- Improved RAD PDF System Service process isolation for increased stability
- Significant JavaScript improvements for large PDF documents being viewed
- Rendering speed on 64-bit servers significantly improved
- DisableLinkWarning property added to PdfWebControl
- HideBottomBar property added to PdfWebControl
- HideToggleHighlightsButton property added to PdfWebControl
- Combo / list form field "Sort" flag changeable and supported
- Set "Check Type" on check / radio form fields
- Client API pageChanged event added
- Animated GIF images now rejected on upload
- Client API save method now replicates RAD PDF save button
- Client API saveAndWait method added
Bug Fixes
- ViewerZoomDefault would not properly apply ZoomFitWidth, ZoomFitHeight, or ZoomFitAll
- In some browsers, SaveComplete callback would fail if page had been soft refreshed
- Incorrect error message shown on aborted web request loading an instance of RAD PDF
- Some very rarely encountered PDF files could crash RAD PDF System Service
- Sticky note popup locations where not always set properly
- Some temp files were not properly cleaned up
- Text selection highlights in some browsers were incorrect when selecting small text
- Text search could error in rare cases (e.g. words ending in \\")
- Page thumbnails did not display properly if page modifications were made while thumbnail pane was not visible
- Insert tab was not properly hidden if DisableInsertTools was set
- Underlined text was not properly displayed in Internet Explorer
- Right click drop down menu could be positioned poorly for objects near bottom
- Client API getPageCurrent and setPageCurrent incorrectly implemented
Released 2011-04-13
Version 1.9
Add images to PDF files, customize resolution, and future browser support improvements
Feature Updates
- Images can be added to PDF documents in RAD PDF interface
- New PdfImageShape class for PdfDocument editor for server side image additions
- New RAD PDF database table required (objs)
- Proportional object resizing support (hold SHIFT key)
- Custom page rendering resolution (RenderDpi property added to PdfWebControl)
- Printing dialogs optimized
- Set form field alignment in client interface
Bug Fixes
- Internet Explorer 9 BETA bug when viewing link object properties
- Pages and thumbnails could be "dragged" to desktop in Firefox
- Some object borders were not zoomed
- DocumentPasswordPending property incorrectly raised exception in some cases
- Fit to width / height / page did not always zoom properly for rotated pages
- Newly added read-only form fields were not highlighted
- Form field alignment was not respected while typing
- When adding PDF form fields of the same name, values were not always updated on screen
- When unlocking PDF form fields, invalid field names could be set
- Max length attribute on multiline text form fields was ignored
Released 2011-02-01
Version 1.8
Built in client-side password prompting, PDF encryption, and Internet Explorer 9 BETA support
Feature Updates
- Client-side users can optionally be prompted for PDF password if needed
- Client-side users can set document security settings & optionally password protect PDF documents
- Tab order from PDF document is now optionally used
- Internet Explorer 9 BETA support
- Changes to RAD PDF database docs and pdfs tables required
- PDF files which contained invalid objects in the xref table could not be loaded; invalid objects are now ignored
Bug Fixes
- Bookmarks or link annotations pointing to deleted pages incorrectly loaded the pages anyways
- Searching for the same term again if not found did not provide any feedback
- Pre-existing markup annotations which had their open state changed were not properly set in output PDF
- Combo form fields did not properly show no value if no value selected
- Encrypted PDF files now properly reference previously opened documents when AllowFindMatchingPdf is true
- PDF form field widgets with the Invisible flag set did not properly display in PdfWebControl
- RAD PDF raised error if Windows Event Log was full
- Some PDF drop down form fields truncated all but first letter of UTF-16 encoded combo / list options
- Font stroke issue with Arial Unicode MS Bold fixed
- Loading documents with drop down form field options and export values which were an empty string (which is not allowed by Acrobat) raised an error
Released 2010-09-23
Version 1.7
Support for ASP.NET 4.0, PDF file searching, and on-demand PDF thumbnail loading.
Feature Updates
- ASP.NET 4.0 support
- Search PDF files for text
- Load PDF thumbnails on demand (as they come into view)
- Fit / zoom / rectangle information for page & bookmark links used for navigation
- PNG image format support (greatly increases rendering clarity on text documents)
- Safari 5 & Chrome 5 support
- Text on rotated pages can now be selected
Bug Fixes
- Some object properties could not be set in PdfWebControl client interface
- Form field fonts were not properly set to bold / italic when loading PDF
- Safari / Chrome text box focus improperly shown
- Seperate words rotated near eachother were sometimes detected as a single word
- PDF thumbnails were downloaded even if the thumbnail pane was disabled
- Wrapped text shapes on rotated pages were not added to PDF correctly
- Check shapes on rotated pages were not added to PDF correctly
- Text in PDF files with invalid ToUnicode CMaps could not be selected / copied
- PDF files containing characters outside XML's allowed character range could prevent file display in browser
- PDF files with invalid escape sequences in string objects were skipped while Acrobat copies the character behind the backslash
- Minor printing artifact in some browsers
- PDF files with some kinds of invalid objects could cause rendering thread not to finish
- PDF thumbnails in multi-threaded browsers on fast computers were sometimes shown in duplicate
Released 2010-06-15
Version 1.6
First .NET 3.5 release of RAD PDF, removes MSMQ requirement, PDF form field improvements, and HTTP compression
Feature Updates
- .NET 3.5 now required
- MSMQ no longer required for RAD PDF
- Slight rendering speed improvements, particularly when loading multiple document simultaneously
- Editable combo box form fields now supported
- Maximum length, read-only, "comb", & "autosize" can be set for PDF form fields
- HTTP compression support (Deflate / GZIP)
- Maintenance custom connection string & timeout options added
Bug Fixes
- Some PDF form field formatting on 64-bit versions of Windows could cause an unhandled an exception
- PDF files with invalid operators in its content stream could prevent proper text extraction and prevent loading of PDF
- Error loading PDF files with certain page label types
- Auto sized form fields were not always displayed correctly
- PDF button form fields were not rendered properly
- Text form fields max length not always property determined
- Client browsers which do not support HTML encoded ampersands in URLs failed to load Client API
- Line / Arrows added after an object with no border could create an invisible line / arrow object
- Shape objects could not have a line with smaller than 4 set
Released 2010-04-29
Version 1.5
Improved form field manipulation, database maintenance, and rendering of unsupported PDF features
Feature Updates
- Modify existing PDF form fields
- Add new radio, list, & combo PDF form fields (in addition to check & text fields)
- Improved user interface (links are now highlighted & user tools settings remembered)
- PDF user password support
- Unsupported PDF features can now optionally be displayed in RAD PDF
- Form field styling improvements (respects border, tooltip, & checkmark type)
Bug Fixes
Released 2010-04-01
Version 1.4
Improved PDF XFA form accommodation, 64-bit server compatibility & new server-side events
Feature Updates
- 64-bit support added (x64 / AMD64 / Intel64 / x86-64)
- XFA forms can now be used in RAD PDF (XFA form data is converted to the AcroForms standard)
- Document key generation improved (better protects RAD PDF access)
- Large PDF files now load significantly faster
- RadPdfWebControl updated
- SaveComplete server-side event added
- DocumentInfo property added (retrieve common information associated with loaded document)
- PDF property added (retrieve previously loaded document with all saved modifications, as a PDF)
- OriginalPDF property added (retrieve previously loaded document with no modifications, as a PDF)
- DisableClientCallbacks property added (enable / disable client callbacks to server)
- EnablePrintSettingsDialog property added (enable / disable client print settings dialog)
- EnableUnloadWarning property added (enable / disable warning on leaving page RAD PDF is on)
- LoadDocument (some overloads) renamed CreateDocument
- CopyDocument method added (copy existing documents to new document instances and open them)
- DisableUnloadWarning property removed (to better communicate default state for UnloadWarning)
- DocumentId property renamed to DocumentID
- GetDocumentID property removed
- SaveViewerProperties method removed (Viewstate now managed internally)
- LoadViewerProperties method removed (Viewstate now managed internally)
- RadPdfWebData updated
- GetDocumentOriginalAsPDF method added
- GetDocumentInfo method added
- GetDocumentOutputData renamed to GetDocumentAsPDF (for consistency)
- Database updated
- docs table updated (upgrade script included)
- keys table updated (upgrade script included)
Bug Fixes
- PDF link creation caused error on saving
- Missing annotation image in GUI
- Document filenames incorrect when AllowFindMatchingPDF is true
- RAD PDF instances in custom web controls used conflicting HTML element IDs
- GetDocumentOutputData did not return document as PDF if document had never been modified
Released 2009-12-10
Version 1.3
Improved document loading times, annotation support, & improved browser compatibility
Feature Updates
- Improved document loading (near instant display of first page)
- PDF document rendering improved (pages now appear crisper and cleaner)
- Text annotation ("Sticky Note") support added
- Opera browser support added
- Word detection for text selection improved
- Documentation for web.config updated for IIS 7 with Managed Pipeline Mode set to "Integrated"
- GUI's last tool style choices remembered
- DocumentEditor updated
- RadPdfTextAnnotation class added for text annotation manipulation
- RadPdfPopupAnnotation class added for popup annotation manipulation
- Various RadPdfObject members added (for RAD PDF object manipulation)
- Changeable (get / set if an object's value can be changed in GUI)
- ExportValue (get / set the export value of check form fields)
- Multiline (get / set whether text form fields can contain multiple lines of text)
Bug Fixes
- Check form fields could not be created in DocumentEditor using CreateObject
- Text extraction would sometimes extract duplicate information on some pages
- Cultural interoperation issue resolved for installations of localized versions of Windows in which comma is used as decimal separator
- Some links were positioned incorrectly
- Some pages could not be properly rotated
- Some pages moved to wrong location on save
- Some documents with deleted pages did not properly print
- GetDocumentOutputData did not always return OutputData
- Some GUI buttons / dialogs incorrectly rendered in IE6
- Printing in IE7 would produce poor results with some output margin settings
Released 2009-10-23
Version 1.2
Updated PDF editor interface, document settings, & RAD PDF viewer settings.
Feature Updates
- Form fields in PDF editor now highlighted using new partially transparent style
- PDF text can now be selected using all supported browsers
- RadPdfWebControl properties added
- HideFileMenu (hides file drop down menu on TopBar)
- HideEditMenu (hides edit drop down menu on TopBar)
- HideRightClickMenu (hides editing menu in PDF editor when right clicked)
- HideSelectMenu (hides selection menu on TopBar)
- HideToolsBar (hides all tools & tabs in PDF editor interface)
- HideToolsMenu (hides tools drop down menu on TopBar)
- HideViewMenu (hides view / zoom menu on TopBar)
- ViewerPage (sets default page viewer should open)
- ViewerZoom (sets default viewer zoom level for all pages in document)
- DocumentSettings enumeration updated
- DisableFormFields (disable use of form fields in document)
- DisableAnnotations (disable use of annotations in document)
- IsReadOnlyExceptFormFields (disable all modifications except form fields)
- DocumentEditor updated
- CreateObject method of RadPdfPage (add new RAD PDF objects to PDF pages)
- Various RadPdfObject members added (for RAD PDF object manipulation)
- Deletable (get / set if object can be deleted in GUI)
- Moveable (get / set if object can be moved in GUI)
- ReadOnly (get / set if object text can be changed in GUI, text objects only)
- Resizable (get / set if object can be resized in GUI)
- Stylable (get / set if object can be styled (change font, color, etc) in GUI)
Bug Fixes
- Some pages not properly rotated on save
- MSMQ was not always properly configured
Released 2009-09-08
Version 1.1
Updated PDF editor interface, new DocumentEditor for PDF preprocessing, performance improvements, & minor bug fixes.
Feature Updates
- EditDocument method added
- DocumentEditor class added (PDF preprocessing)
- RadPdfLibrary.Data.Document Namespace (and sub-Namespaces) added
- RAD PDF Exception handling improved (GetLastError method removed)
- RadPdfLibrary.Exceptions Namespace added
- PDF rendering engine updated
- Code optimizations and improved memory handling
- PDF form field features added (PDF form field combs & PDF form field max length)
- Firefox 3.5 compatible
Bug Fixes
- Text selection not loaded in RAD PDF interface
- Some registry settings saved in incorrect places
- Color in some color spaces not properly parsed
- Rotated annotations not properly displayed
Released 2009-06-01
Version 1.0
Initial Public Release of RAD PDF.
Feature Updates
- HideTopBar property added
- HideBookmarks property added
- ViewerSideShown property added
- RAD PDF now loads PDF bookmarks
- RAD PDF now loads PDF url & page link annotations
Bug Fixes
- Minor installer bug corrected in which RAD PDF Service would not be started until restart
Released 2009-08-13
Download RAD PDF